DOI Solutions

DOI Registration for Your Publications!


Registration of Published Articles.

Book Chapters

Registration of Already Published Chapters.


Registration of Published Theses.


Extended and Simple Abstracts, Published in Proceedings.


Discover All Types of Productions Eligible for Registration.

What We Want

Our mission is to support the dissemination of scientific knowledge. We are a platform created by Creare Solutions, designed to assist researchers in registering their publications through the issuance of the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), a unique identifier that will ensure the exclusivity of that production in the digital world.

We are a facilitating tool that takes your production beyond the local scope, providing access and availability to the entire global network.

Your DOI registration will be available within 48 hours after payment confirmation.


Digital Object Identifier is the full name of the well-known acronym DOI, which is already widely spread in the academic and scientific community. It is a unique identifier, a “ID” for your academic productions published in proceedings, journals, books, among other mediums. Through it, it is possible to quantify the reach of your production and citations, metrics widely used by science and technology funding agencies to provide financing. It is also a tool for disseminating your work, as it will be indexed on major international platforms such as Zenodo and Crossref.

Learn more here!

Why Should I Register a DOI?

Do you have articles, book chapters, extended abstracts, simple abstracts, among other productions, already published in proceedings, journals, books, etc., without a DOI registration?

The answer is YES, you should register! Discover the main benefits.

Registration in 48 Hours!

Your publication will be registered within 48 hours after payment confirmation.


Make your production uniquely visible and available to the world!


Metadata importation across various indexers.


Significant increase in citations, in various parts of the world.


Precisely track the reach of your publication,


DOI is one of the main requirements for scoring in selection processes.


Having a DOI increases the credibility of the publication.


The following productions are eligible for registration:

  • Books and their chapters: Whether you are the organizer of the work or the author of a chapter, it is important to have an ISBN.
  • Articles: Individual registration of your published article.
  • Simple and extended abstracts: Individual registration of your work, published in event proceedings.
  • Dissertations, theses, and monographs: Provided they are available in your institution’s repository.
  • Proceedings: Registration of the proceedings as a whole.
  • Reports and documents: Published with an ISBN or ISSN.
  • Metadata deposit of publications that are still pending.
  • Others: Contact us to check the possibility of registration.


After the payment of an administrative fee, the system will be enabled for you to submit the data of your publication.

It is important that you provide all the necessary data requested in the submission form.

After submitting the form, we will process your request within 48 business hours and send to the registered email, the link of the DOI already registered and accessible.

Your publication will be permanently available on the following platforms, depending on the fee paid:

  • Zenodo, free and open access, is one of the main platforms for the promotion and dissemination of science, founded and operated by CERN – European Council.

  • Crossref, the main international DOI registration agency, generating metadata for various indexers.

The DOI will be the unique identifier of your publication, thus, you will not infringe the copyright of the company/organization that originally published your work.

Nossas taxas (Zenodo)

Artigos científicos

R$ 25,99

Capítulos de livros

R$ 25,99

Resumos Expandidos

R$ 25,99

Resumos Simples

R$ 19,99


R$ Sob consulta

Our Fees (Crossref+Zenodo)

Scientific Articles

US$ 14,99

Book Chapters

US$ 14,99

Extended Abstracts

US$ 14,99

Simple Abstracts

US$ 14,99


US$ Price Upon Request